
Show information about the workspace (e.g., list of projects).


nx show

Install nx globally to invoke the command directly using nx, or use npx nx, yarn nx, or pnpm nx.


Show all projects in the workspace:

nx show projects

Show all projects with names starting with "api-". The "projects" option is useful to see which projects would be selected by run-many:

nx show projects --projects api-*

Show all projects with a tag starting with "ui-". The "projects" option is useful to see which projects would be selected by run-many:

nx show projects --projects tag:ui-*

Show all projects with a serve target:

nx show projects --with-target serve

Show affected projects in the workspace:

nx show projects --affected

Show affected apps in the workspace:

nx show projects --affected --type app

Show affected projects in the workspace, excluding end-to-end projects:

nx show projects --affected --exclude=*-e2e

If in an interactive terminal, opens the project detail view. If not in an interactive terminal, defaults to JSON:

nx show project my-app

Show detailed information about "my-app" in a json format:

nx show project my-app --json

Show information about "my-app" in a human readable format:

nx show project my-app --json false

Opens a web browser to explore the configuration of "my-app":

nx show project my-app --web


Shared OptionTypeDescription
--helpbooleanShow help
--jsonbooleanOutput JSON.
--versionbooleanShow version number.



Show a list of projects in the workspace.

nx show projects


--affectedbooleanShow only affected projects.
--basestringBase of the current branch (usually main)
--excludestringExclude certain projects from being processed
--filesstringChange the way Nx is calculating the affected command by providing directly changed files, list of files delimited by commas or spaces
--headstringLatest commit of the current branch (usually HEAD)
--helpbooleanShow help
--projectsstringShow only projects that match a given pattern.
--sepstringOutputs projects with the specified seperator.
--typeapp, lib, e2eSelect only projects of the given type.
--uncommittedbooleanUncommitted changes
--untrackedbooleanUntracked changes
--verbosebooleanPrints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces)
--versionbooleanShow version number.
--withTargetstringShow only projects that have a specific target.


Shows resolved project configuration for a given project.

nx show project <projectName>


--helpbooleanShow help
--openbooleanSet to false to prevent the browser from opening when using --web.
--projectNamestringWhich project should be viewed?.
--verbosebooleanPrints additional information about the commands (e.g., stack traces)
--versionbooleanShow version number.
--webbooleanShow project details in the browser. (default when interactive).